From everyone at Park Gate Primary School wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


A warm welcome to the governor section of the school website.

The governing body of Park Gate Primary School is responsible for setting the ethos and vision of the school, identifying areas where the school needs to improve and planning how to make those improvements. It makes sure that the educational performance of pupils is strong and that the budget is used properly and effectively. We are a highly committed group of people who are passionate about providing the very best possible education, outcomes and well-being for each individual child, and share the school’s aim – ‘Success for All’.

The role of governors is to offer support and challenge as part of the effective leadership of the school. It is our responsibility to oversee the way the school is run, ensuring that the children get the best possible education and that the school fulfils all its statutory responsibilities. As part of our role we ensure the school’s ethos, underpinned by the Park Gate Way, is central to all we do. Governors monitor the curriculum, the attainment of pupils and progress data, leadership and the finances of the school and help to shape the strategic plan for the school’s future development priorities. We are also responsible for monitoring that Safeguarding requirements, employment, and health and safety policies and procedures are in place and adhered to.

The governing body is constituted of 12 people, some of whom are elected and others are co-opted based on the skills, experience and expertise that can offer the school. This includes the headteacher, parents, staff and a member nominated by the local authority. All governors at Park Gate are committed to working in the best interests of the school and to improving outcomes for all children. We try to attend and make ourselves available at many school events so please do approach us if you have any queries or questions for the governing body. Alternatively, please do not hesitate to contact me or the governing body via the school office.

Val Morgan

Chair of Governors