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  • Pupil Premium

    Pupil Premium Grant

    Pupil Premium Grant is funding provided to schools which is additional to the main school budget. It is allocated according to the number of pupils on roll who are eligible for

    • free school meals (FSM)
    • pupils who have parents in the armed forces (service children)
    • pupils who are looked after by the Local Authority (pupils in care).

    Pupil Premium Grant is designed to tackle the achievement gap between pupils from low-income families and their peers. Poverty is one of the single most important factors in predicting a child’s future life chances.

    It is for schools to decide how this additional funding is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for their pupils. However, schools must be accountable for this additional funding; demonstrating the impact the funding has closing the achievement gap.

    Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-2025

    The following report summarises how the funding for 2024-2025 at Park Gate Primary School will be spent and the planned impact.  It also provides a summary of the impact of the 2023-2024 funding.  Pupil Premium Statement 2024-2025

    Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-2024

    The following report summarises how the funding for 2023-2024 at Park Gate Primary School will be spent and the planned impact.  It also provides a summary of the impact of the 2022-2023 funding.  Pupil Premium Statement 2023-2024

    Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022-2023

    The following report summarises how the funding for 2022-2023 at Park Gate Primary School was spent and the planned impact.  It also provides a summary of the impact of the 2021-2022 funding. Pupil premium statement 2022-2023

    Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021-2022

    The following report summarises how the funding for 2021-2022 at Park Gate Primary School was spent and the planned impact.  It also provides a summary of the impact of the 2020-2021 funding. PP Strategy statement 2021-2022

    Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2020-2021

    The following report summarises how the funding for 2020-2021 at Park Gate Primary School was spent and the planned impact.  It also provides a summary of the impact of the 2018-2019 funding. PP Strategy statement 2020-2021