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  • The Park Gate Way

    Show respect for everyone and everything.

    • Treat others as you would like to be treated.
    • Make safe and responsible choices.
    • Listen carefully to others.
    • Think before you speak and do.
    • Be kind and thoughtful.
    • Be honest and trust each other.
    • Do your best.

    To help all members of our school community understand what we expect of them in school we have developed ‘The Park Gate Way’. This states in clear, simple terms what we expect of all members of the school in relation to the way we respond to and respect each other.

    The ‘Park Gate Way’ is reviewed on a regular basis with all members of the school. It is clearly displayed throughout the school as a reminder for all. The children know that these simple rules apply to all areas of life – not just in school. They know that if they remember the Park Gate Way, wherever they are, they will be behaving in an appropriate and acceptable way, representing the school as we expect them to and making us proud.

    High standards in relation to behaviour depend upon the example set by all who work in the school. All members of the school community have a contribution to make and we work hard to provide a positive working environment.

    House System

    The school runs a traditional house system. The houses are named after strawberry varieties, to reflect the local area’s long association with strawberry growing. Each house has its own colour and the children wear PE t-shirts of this colour. Siblings are always in the same house. The houses and colours are:

    • Gauntlet – green
    • Vanguard – blue
    • Talisman – red
    • Sovereign – yellow

    Children are awarded house points by staff members as part of the school’s reward system. These are counted each week and a trophy is awarded each term to the house with the most points.

    House captains are elected by members of each house at the start of the school year. They take on a position of responsibility in the school and are expected to be role models for their peers.

    The house system is also used to support the organisation of sports days.

    Children are allocated a house during the first year in school. We suggest that when children start school they wear a plain white t-shirt for PE until a house has been allocated later in the year.