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  • Communication

    Good communication between school and home is crucial to the shared responsibility the school has with parents. The school has a responsibility to keep parents informed about what is happening in school. Parents have a responsibility to inform the school of any important events and issues that might be taking place at home.  

    The school uses texts and emails as a preferred form of contact for parents. It is important that all contact details are kept up to date to ensure parents receive all relevant information. 


    The school keeps parents informed of events in school, important information and dates through a system of weekly newsletters. Each issue is numbered to allow parents to check whether all information is being received. There may also be other letters about specific issues, trips, clubs or sporting events.


    At the beginning of each new project a copy of the Curriculink is sent home to parents of children in KS1 and KS2. This is a summary of the planned curriculum for the term and gives an outline of what you might expect your child to be learning about. The Curriculink also gives information about the days that library books and PE kit will be required in school. It is a useful document for parents to keep so you can see the structured progress your child is making as they move through the school. 

    Reporting to Parents

    We endeavour to keep parents informed about the progress their child is making on a regular basis. Parents are welcome to talk to the class teacher whenever they feel necessary. The school offers three more formal occasions for parents to receive information about the progress their child is making. These are as follows: 

    Autumn Term Parents’ Evening

    This evening is an opportunity for parents to have an appointment to speak to their child’s class teacher about how they have settled into their new class. Key strengths and areas for development will be discussed. Parents will be informed if their child requires additional support. The register for gifted and talented children is also shared where appropriate. 

    Second Parents’ Evening

    This takes place in the Spring Term.

    At this second parents’ evening the class teacher will discuss the targets that have been set for your child. The class teacher will explain in more detail the areas of strength and if relevant, any areas of concern.  

    Annual Progress Report

    The class teacher will write a full progress report for your child in the Summer Term. This gives detailed information about the progress made in all subjects and comments on progress towards the most recent targets. Parents are given the opportunity to discuss any issues in relation to this report but there is no formal parents’ evening during the term that the written report is received. 

    At the end of the summer term there is an Open Evening for parents to come with their child, to meet informally with the class teacher, collect their child’s work and to meet their new class teacher. This is a very informal event that aims to celebrate the work of all children and to give parents the opportunity to come into school to share in this celebration. 

    Learning Outcomes

    The children regularly invite parents to experience the learning which has taken place through attending a learning outcome. This could be for example; to attend an Explorer Exhibition, a Travel Fair or to share a garden the children have created.  Classrooms are open for a short time to enable parents to do this.