The school is open from ;
Year R and KS1 8.30am – 2.55pm 32.25 hours
KS2 8.30am – 3.00pm 32.5 hours
The hours pupils must be in school are;
Year R and KS1 8.50am – 2.55pm 30 hours 25 minutes
KS2 8.50am – 3.00pm 30 hours 50 minutes
The school opening hours will be reviewed and amended in line with the compulsory school week of 32.5 hours from September 2023.
The school gates are open from 8.30am and children may enter the school buildings from this time. Children are expected to be in school by 8.40am and registers close at 8.50am. Children should only enter the school site through the playground or for Years 5 and 6, through the top gate. They are then able to enter the building through the classroom doors (Oak Class through the cloakroom). The school gates close at 8.45am.
Changes to the Attendance Code of Conduct means that schools can now issue a Penalty Notice to parents/carers if their child(ren) has been persistently late before the register closes for up to 10 sessions. The morning register is taken at 8.40am and the register closes at 8.50am. Pupils will receive a ‘L’ late mark if they are not in the classroom at 8.50am when the register closes. Any pupil arriving at the school gate after 8.45am will need to enter the school through the main reception entrance.
Parents of children in Foundation Stage and KS1 are able to see their child into the classroom but are asked to leave promptly to encourage all the children to settle to the morning routine as quickly as possible. From Year 3 onwards, the children say goodbye to their parents on the playground and walk around to the classrooms unaccompanied. Parents are not allowed into the school building via the cloakrooms at any time of day. Entry into school must be via the school office.
Children in the Foundation Stage and KS1 are dismissed directly from the classrooms at 2.55pm. Parents are asked to wait away from the building on the playground. Children will not be released until the parent is seen. If another adult is collecting your child please ensure that you inform the class teacher or the school office.
Once your child is in KS2, the class teachers will walk around to the playground with the children at 3pm. Parents meet their children on the playground or can make arrangements for their child to walk home unaccompanied.
TimeOut Childcare runs our daily breakfast and after-school clubs. Breakfast club runs from 7.30am-8.30am every school day. The after-school club is open from 3pm-6pm. This school childcare provision is available for children of all ages who attend Park Gate Primary School. There are 16 places available at each club.
For your child’s safety we ask all visitors to ensure they enter through the main entrance to the school and report to a member of the office staff, signing into the visitors’ book and receiving a visitors’ badge.
If a parent wishes to speak to their child’s class teacher at the start or end of the school day, please ask a member of the office staff if this is convenient before proceeding into school. Parents should not enter the school through the cloakroom doors. These entrances are for the children’s use only.
These measures are in place for the security of all members of the school community.
There is considerable congestion on nearby roads at the beginning and the end of the school day. We encourage as many families as possible to walk to school but recognise that this is not always possible. The school has a bike shelter on site and children are able to ride to school if accompanied by an adult.
There is no parking for parents on the school premises at any time. Parents are asked to drive and park courteously and with consideration for each other and the local residents. To ease the congestion we operate a voluntary one-way system from 8.30am–9am and 2.45pm–3.15pm. Parents are asked to enter Northmore Road from the Locks Road end and exit onto Admirals Road.
The school must be informed of any absence. If your child is unwell and unable to attend school, parents are asked to telephone the school office on the first day of absence by 9am and our school Attendance Policy which can be found here Attendance Policy Sept 2022 provides further details of the procedures we will follow if we are not informed of a child’s absence. Any absence that has not been accounted for will be recorded as unauthorised on your child’s school records.
If the school has concerns about the level of absence of a particular child, parents will be contacted, made aware of the issue and given the opportunity to come into school to discuss the matter. If a family is having on-going problems with school attendance, additional support can be offered. Our Home School Link Worker, Mrs Osborn, is available to provide support and guidance.
The school is only able to authorise absence from school in exceptional circumstances. In making a request for an authorised absence from school you will need to explain why the circumstances are exceptional. Please note: There is no right to authorise absence for a family holiday. If you take your child out of school without permission the absence will be unauthorised and we will consider legal action.
It is important that the school has all relevant medical information about children at the school. This information will be recorded and made available to all staff who work with your child. Parents are asked to ensure that the school is kept informed of any changes in relation to medical conditions and allergies.
If your child requires medication, parents are asked to give written permission for staff to administer this, with clear instructions about timing and dose.
Children who require inhalers to control asthma are able to keep these in the classroom to ensure that they are nearby when required. Inhalers must be registered in the office in the same way as any other medication.
If your child requires an Epipen in school for any reason, we ask parents to supply two. This means that one can be kept with your child in the classroom and one in the medical room for emergencies or school trips.
If your child is unwell during the school day we will contact parents. It is important that we have up-to-date information about contact numbers as it can be very distressing for a child to have to remain in school when they are unwell if we cannot contact anyone to collect them.
If your child has an accident in school, first aid will be administered by a member of staff. We have qualified first aiders in school who will supervise in the case of a more serious injury. If we have any concerns about a child following an accident in school, parents will be contacted.
At lunchtime, the children are able to have a school meal or to bring their own packed lunch or to go home. This is entirely at parents’ discretion. The children all eat in the school hall, with the youngest children eating first.
School meals can be purchased on a weekly or termly basis – whichever is most convenient for parents. A menu is sent home at the start of each term. The school operates a simple choice system that ensures all children are able to have the meal that they would like.
Parents are asked to send any dinner money into school at the start of the week. This should be in an envelope clearly labelled with the child’s name and class and the amount enclosed.
Children may bring a packed lunch in a named lunch box. We encourage the children to bring a healthy lunch. Hot and fizzy drinks are not permitted. We do not allow the children to bring sweets or nuts as part of their lunch.
Children are able to go home for lunch if parents would prefer. Children who go home are collected from the main office at the start of the lunchtime and must return in time for the start of the afternoon session at 1pm.
Children in the Foundation Stage and KS1 are able to have a carton of milk each day. This is provided free of charge for children aged 4 years. Once your child reaches the age of 5 years, milk must be paid for. The school works within the Cool Milk Scheme at and all payments can be made online.
All children in the Foundation Stage and KS1 receive a piece of fruit each day. This is provided free of charge as part of the Department for Education (DfE) Fruit in School Scheme. We receive a range of fruit and vegetables including apples, satsumas, pears, carrots, cherry tomatoes and very occasionally strawberries!
Children in KS2 are able to bring a piece of fresh fruit or vegetable to eat at morning break. No other snacks, including dried or tinned fruit, cheese products or savoury biscuits are allowed.
The children are encouraged to drink water throughout the school day. Each child is provided with a water bottle when they start school and replacement bottles are available from the office. The children are expected to have their water bottle in school everyday. Chilled, filtered water is available.
Good communication between school and home is crucial to the shared responsibility the school has with parents. The school has a responsibility to keep parents informed about what is happening in school. Parents have a responsibility to inform the school of any important events and issues that might be taking place at home.
The school uses texts and emails as a preferred form of contact for parents. It is important that all contact details are kept up to date to ensure parents receive all relevant information.
The school keeps parents informed of events in school, important information and dates through a system of weekly newsletters. Each issue is numbered to allow parents to check whether all information is being received. There may also be other letters about specific issues, trips, clubs or sporting events.
At the start of each project a copy of the Curriculink is sent home to parents of children in KS1 and KS2. This is a summary of the planned curriculum for the term and gives an outline of what you might expect your child to be learning about. The Curriculink also gives information about the days that library books and PE kit will be required in school. It is a useful document for parents to keep so you can see the structured progress your child is making as they move through the school.
We endeavour to keep parents informed about the progress their child is making on a regular basis. Parents are welcome to talk to the class teacher whenever they feel necessary. The school offers three more formal occasions for parents to receive information about the progress their child is making. These are as follows:
This evening is an opportunity for parents to have an appointment to speak to their child’s class teacher about how they have settled into their new class. Key strengths and areas for development will be discussed. Parents will be informed if their child requires additional support. The register for gifted and talented children is also shared where appropriate.
Spring Term for all year groups
At this second parents’ evening the class teacher will discuss the targets that have been set for your child. The class teacher will explain in more detail the areas of strength and if relevant, any areas of concern.
Summer Term for all year groups.
The class teacher will write a full progress report for your child. This gives detailed information about the progress made in all subjects and comments on progress towards the most recent targets. Parents are given the opportunity to discuss any issues in relation to this report but there is no formal parents’ evening during the term that the written report is received.
At the end of the summer term there is an Open Evening for parents to come with their child, to meet informally with the class teacher, collect their child’s work and to meet their new class teacher. This is a very informal event that aims to celebrate the work of all children and to give parents the opportunity to come into school to share in this celebration.
For children in the Foundation Stage we offer the opportunity for parents to come during an afternoon session and experience the learning environment with their child. These sessions take place each term.